Found 715 words to describe [trouser leg]. You can click on each words to see its definition.
- Pant Leg
- Trousers
- Underpants
- Forehead
- Bobby Pin
- Sleeve
- Knickers
- Piton
- Hatband
- Dressing Gown
- Woggle
- Pants
- Bonce
- Shirtsleeve
- Nether Region
- Kneepad
- Bootlace
- Tummy
- Ear Lobe
- Duffel Coat
- Belly
- Scrotum
- Crotch
- Hooded Cloak
- Skivvy
- Overshirt
- Plimsolls
- Breeks
- Wetly
- Dishtowel
- Waistcoat
- Uncurled
- Dickey
- Wasp Waist
- Bodkin
- Undershorts
- Raiments
- Rictus
- Phylacteries
- Tush
- Forelock
- Clawlike
- Unclasped
- Unlatches
- Sleave
- Pinking Shears
- Adjustable Spanner
- Uvula
- Windcheater
- Sunhat
- Handlebars
- Portcullis
- Elasticated
- Ankles
- Coochie
- Legs
- Chicken Drumstick
- Codpiece
- Gauze Bandage
- Ripply
- Tophat
- Fingers
- Backside
- Verrucas
- Schnoz
- Sellotape
- Nipple
- Lips
- Paw
- Epaulette
- Boilersuit
- Armpits
- Crochet Needle
- Brogans
- Shirttail
- Hipbones
- Wimple
- Jockstrap
- Pubes
- Washrag
- Minge
- Stockinged
- Willy
- Saltire
- Romper Suit
- Labia Majora
- Biohazard Suit
- Trilby
- Scrunchie
- Penis
- Buttock
- Bunghole
- Armhole
- Crease
- Knee
- Cuff
- Inseam
- Flare
- Cord
- Snake
- Snaking
- Hose
- Legging
- Leh
- Stripe
- Stripes
- Bell
- Bell Bottom
- Bell Bottomed
- Blazer
- Bloomer
- Breech
- Capri Pants
- Chap
- Chapped
- Chaps
- Culottes
- Fly
- Gauchos
- Hosed
- Knee Breeches
- Knickerbockers
- Long
- Morning
- Oink
- Pajamas
- Pantaloon
- Pink
- Rise
- Seat
- Seated
- Short
- Shortclothes
- Slack
- Slacks
- Stag
- Stirrup
- Stovepipes
- Toreador Pants
- Trews
- Tunic
- Valet
- Waistband
- Wellington Boot
- Wigan
- Hitch
- Jodhpurs
- Pant
- Galligaskins
- Becket
- Belt
- Blouse
- Bodice
- Boiler
- Bottom
- Brace
- Cincture
- Combinations
- Continuation
- Duck
- Fit
- Fitted
- Gallows
- Girdle
- Hipster
- Jodhpur
- Moleskin
- Overall
- Pleat
- Pyjama
- Sag
- Separates
- Shirt
- Slop
- Slopped
- Stride
- Suit
- Sweat Suit
- Sweatpants
- Truss
- Trussed
- Tweed
- Uhlan
- White
- Skirt
- Sock
- Stocking
- Cassock
- Chemise
- Dress
- Frock
- Glove
- Jacket
- Kilt
- Leather
- Robe
- Vest
- Webbed
- Baggy
- Chino
- Culotte
- Khaki
- Pantsuit
- Trousered
- Dupatta
- Inseams
- Twill
- Xyz
- Alter
- Ao Dai
- Bellbottoms
- Bicycle Clip
- Breeched
- Britches
- Buckskin
- Buckskins
- Chaplin
- Chinos
- Corduroy
- Corduroys
- Coveralls
- Cuffed
- Debag
- Denim
- Dinner Jacket
- Drilling
- Dungaree
- Dungarees
- Flannel
- Fob
- Gabardine
- Gallus
- Gamashes
- Ineffable
- Inexpressible
- Inexpressibles
- Jammies
- Jean
- Jeans
- Jogger
- Judogi
- Jumpsuit
- Khakis
- Morning Dress
- Oilskin
- Pajama
- Pantalooned
- Pantaloons
- Panting
- Patchy
- Pedal Pusher
- Pjs
- Riding Breeches
- Safari Suit
- Salwar
- Shalwar
- Suited
- Suspender
- Sweat Pants
- Tan
- Teddy Boy
- Tong
- Tracksuit
- Trou
- Trouser Press
- Trouser Suit
- Trousering
- Tuxedo
- Two Piece
- Uncle Sam
- Unmentionables
- Velveteen
- Waistcloth
- Watch Pocket
- Zoot Suit
- Buttoned
- Chamois
- Clothes
- Corded
- Flared
- Frayed
- Neoprene
- Overcoat
- Sew
- Trim
- Unbuttoned
- Worsted
- Abduct
- Acetabulum
- Adduct
- Aid
- Aided
- Amelia
- Amputate
- Anchor
- Animal Leg
- Ankle
- Anklebone
- Arabesque
- Arrest
- Assist
- Astragal
- Astragalus
- Astride
- Back
- Backheel
- Backstroke
- Bad
- Bak
- Baluster
- Banded
- Bandy
- Bender
- Biceps
- Board
- Bollocks
- Bone
- Boot
- Bootleg
- Bootlegging
- Bow Compass
- Brachial
- Break
- Breaststroke
- Breeches Buoy
- Butterfly
- Cabriole
- Calf Bone
- Calliper
- Camel
- Cannon
- Cannon Bone
- Carpus
- Caster
- Chair
- Chaise
- Chestnut
- Cilium
- Clapping
- Climber
- Clip
- Clog
- Cocker
- Cog
- Cogs
- Coronet
- Cosecant
- Cosine
- Cotangent
- Coupee
- Coxa
- Cpg
- Cramp
- Cramping
- Cramps
- Crap
- Cripple
- Cross
- Crural
- Crus
- Crutch
- Curb
- Curbing
- Curl
- Curls
- Curule
- Cut
- Cutlet
- Diagonal
- Dict
- Disunited
- Dorsiflexion
- Drape
- Draw
- Drumstick
- Duct
- Ducted
- During
- Edge
- Eggbeater
- Elevator
- End
- Extensor
- External
- Extra
- Feet
- Femoral
- Femur
- Fetlock
- Fettered
- Fibula
- Fillet
- Finder
- Flag
- Flagged
- Flamingo
- Flank
- Flexion
- Flexor
- Flipe
- Flipper
- Fondu
- Fool
- Foot
- Football
- Footpad
- Foreleg
- Forelimb
- Forepaw
- Forequarter
- Foreshank
- Frame
- Freestyle
- Fusee
- Gaff
- Gaiter
- Gallop
- Galoshe
- Gam
- Gambrel
- Game
- Gammon
- Garter
- Gastrocnemius
- Gastrocnemius Muscle
- Genu
- Genu Varum
- Gigot
- Gimp
- Glide
- Gliding
- Goalkeeper
- God
- Grape
- Groin
- Group
- Guard
- Hack
- Hacking
- Half Boot
- Ham
- Ham Hock
- Hamstring
- Hamstrung
- Hank
- Hassock
- Haunch
- Heel
- Heeled
- Heels
- Help
- Hem
- Heteromerous
- Hind
- Hindlimb
- Hindquarter
- Hip
- Hobble
- Hock
- Hold
- Hollow
- Homotype
- Hoof
- Hook
- Hooks
- Hop
- Hopper
- Hopple
- Horn
- Hosiery
- Humerus
- Hyperextension
- Ibis
- Iliac
- Infield
- Instep
- Iron
- Irons
- Ischium
- Issue
- Jackboot
- Jamb
- Jess
- Jest
- Jet
- Joint
- Juba
- Karate
- Kick
- Kid
- Knee Jerk
- Kneecap
- Knit
- Knuckle
- Kouros
- Lae
- Lame
- Last
- Lead
- Leash
- Left
- Leg Bone
- Leg Bye
- Legged
- Legless
- Leveler
- Limb
- Limp
- Limping
- Loose
- Lose
- Lunge
- Malanders
- Malleolus
- Man
- Manilla
- Maxi
- Member
- Men
- Meromelia
- Metatarsus
- Mini
- Move
- Nail
- Near
- Nurse
- Oar
- Off
- Pad
- Passage
- Passant
- Pastern
- Peel
- Pegleg
- Penguin
- Peroneal
- Peroneus
- Petticoat
- Pin
- Pirouette
- Plantar
- Plantigrade
- Plethysmograph
- Point
- Popliteal
- Precrural
- Proleg
- Psd
- Pull
- Pulling
- Puttee
- Quad
- Quadriceps
- Quads
- Quarter
- Racewalking
- Radius
- Rampant
- Rattail
- Ricksha
- Rings
- Rocking
- Round
- Round Steak
- Run
- Rung
- Rush
- Saphena
- Saphenous
- Saphenous Vein
- Sartorius
- Savate
- Scapula
- Sciatica
- Scoot
- Scute
- Scutellation
- Scutellum
- Secant
- Section
- Sen
- Sever
- Shackle
- Shackled
- Shake
- Shaking
- Shank
- Shave
- Shin
- Shoe
- Shoot
- Shoulder
- Shouldering
- Sine
- Six
- Skelic
- Slugging
- Small
- Smart
- Smarting
- Socks
- Soleus
- Spadefoot
- Speed
- Spindle
- Spiral
- Splint
- Splint Bone
- Split
- Splitting
- Spur
- Spurring
- Squat
- Squatting
- Stage
- Staged
- Step
- Stick
- Stifle
- Stifling
- Stilt
- Stock
- Stocked
- Stocks
- Stone
- Straddle
- Stress Fracture
- Stretch
- Stretched
- Strike
- Stuff
- Stuffed
- Stump
- Stumped
- Sub
- Supination
- Supporter
- Swelling
- Swim
- Tabes Dorsalis
- Take
- Talus
- Tangent
- Tarsal
- Tarsometatarsus
- Tarsus
- Tat
- Ten
- Thigh
- Thoroughpin
- Three
- Throw
- Tibia
- Tibial
- Tibialis
- Tibiotarsus
- Tourniquet
- Trek
- Trekking
- Triskele
- Trochanter
- Trot
- Tumid
- Turnout
- Vamp
- Voluntary
- Wax
- Wit
- Wooden
- Wooden Leg
- Yarn
- Yogi
- Attainted
- Ballpoint
- Bicalcarate
- Boost
- Bsd
- Bullshit
- Cheesecake
- Chinaman
- Daffy
- Dammit
- Damn
- Dogleg
- Doosra
- Drastic
- Eight
- Feathering
- Flags
- Flutterboard
- Gamble
- Gammy
- Googly
- Harm
- Hasten
- Hie
- Hind Limb
- Hoax
- Homoeomerous
- Hurt
- Inswing
- Intermittent Claudication
- Jards
- Joking
- King Crab
- Leg Before Wicket
- Leg Break
- Leg Curl
- Leg Exercise
- Leglike
- Liar
- Luck
- Outswing
- Patellar Reflex
- Pollicate
Adjectives For Trouser Leg
[trouser leg] implies to the leg of a pair of trousers
As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for trouser leg are: Pant Leg, Trousers, Underpants, Forehead, Bobby Pin, Sleeve, Knickers, Piton, Hatband, Dressing Gown. Based on our algorithm, there are 715 words to decribe trouser leg. I hope list of words to describe trouser leg could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.
To search for more describe words, you can enter word or phrase you want to search for in the search box and then press Enter. Note that you should enter a phrase of reasonable length. If a phrase includes too many words, my algorithm will understand that you are searching for a "noisy phrase", so the returned results will not be accurate.Recent Searches
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