Found 782 words to describe [torsion meter]. You can click on each words to see its definition.
- Galvanometer
- Torque
- Twist
- Anti
- Follow
- Shear
- Unit
- Bring
- Bringing
- Chubby
- Dismount
- Dynamometer
- Fettered
- Gymkhana
- Irony
- Kneeling
- Oscillator
- Peanut
- Rings
- Seismometer
- Snake
- Spring
- Squat
- Squatting
- Swage
- Throstle
- Tibial
- Torque Converter
- Torque Wrench
- Tracing
- Trapped
- Trapping
- Bridge
- Bridged
- Bridging
- Curb
- Mat
- Rope
- Roping
- Above
- Angle
- Angulation
- Ankle
- Annulus
- Anvil
- Arc
- Arch
- Argent
- Armature
- Avocet
- Back
- Backwards
- Bak
- Bandy
- Bank
- Batty
- Bee
- Bend
- Bended
- Bender
- Bends
- Bens
- Bolt
- Bore
- Bout
- Brace
- Braid
- Braids
- Break
- Breakaway
- Buck
- Buckle
- Bug
- Bugged
- Bugging
- Cable
- Camber
- Cap
- Cast
- Casted
- Charleston
- Climb
- Clinch
- Clinched
- Clinching
- Cock
- Coercion
- Cog
- Coil
- Collar
- Corkscrew
- Corner
- Crank
- Cranking
- Craze
- Creek
- Crook
- Crouch
- Crouching
- Crump
- Cue
- Curvature
- Curve
- Cutoff
- Dall
- Dance
- Dancing
- Decline
- Dee
- Deflection
- Descent
- Dinger
- Dio
- Dip
- Division
- Dog
- Double
- Down
- Drag
- Dragon
- Draw
- Drift
- Drifting
- Drink
- Drive
- Duck
- Ear
- Earthquake
- English
- Entangle
- Entangling
- Eucalyptus
- Fake
- Fall
- Fate
- Finger
- Firm
- Flag
- Flagged
- Flex
- Flop
- Floss
- Fly
- Force
- Forces
- Fox
- From
- Full
- Garter
- Gear
- Geared
- Gimp
- Give
- Graph
- Grapple
- Grin
- Grind
- Grinds
- Half
- Hang
- Haymaker
- Heave
- Heck
- Hinge
- Hollow
- Hook
- Hooks
- Hop
- Horseshoe
- Hump
- Hurl
- Hurricane
- Insist
- Irish
- Jack
- Jacked
- Jerk
- Jog
- Joke
- Kick
- Knead
- Knee
- Knot
- Knotting
- Knuckle
- Lace
- Lapped
- Lay
- Lean
- Lie
- Limbo
- Lime
- Lip
- Loop
- Lose
- Meander
- Meandering
- More
- Move
- Mule
- Near
- Neck
- Offset
- Oliver
- Ordinary
- Ore
- Oreo
- Paperback
- Para
- Passing
- Peel
- Pike
- Pirouette
- Plash
- Poke
- Pottery
- Precession
- Prism
- Quake
- Raddled
- Ramp
- Reamer
- Record
- Refract
- Register
- Registered
- Return
- Returning
- Rev
- Reverberate
- Reverberating
- Ribbon
- Rick
- Rifle
- Roll
- Rolled
- Roller
- Rose
- Rotary
- Rotate
- Round
- Roundabout
- Rounds
- Rove
- Rudy
- Runaway
- Sag
- Scale
- Scarp
- Scrag
- Scrape
- Screw
- Screwed
- Seal
- Sealed
- Seismogram
- Set
- Shank
- Shoot
- Side
- Sight
- Skew
- Slew
- Smite
- Sneer
- Sophisticate
- Spin
- Spindle
- Spiral
- Spiraling
- Split
- Spoiler
- Squeeze
- Stamp
- Stiffness
- Stitch
- Stitched
- Straight
- Strain
- Strand
- Stranded
- Stranding
- Stress
- Stretch
- Stretched
- Strop
- Swivel
- Tangle
- Tangled
- Tangling
- Tau
- They
- Threaded
- Throw
- Tie
- Tied
- Tilt
- Tilted
- Tip
- Tipped
- Tipple
- Toggle
- Tongue
- Top
- Topped
- Tops
- Torch
- Torment
- Tormented
- Torture
- Tortured
- Torturing
- Toss
- Trace
- Train
- Trained
- Tram
- Transformer
- Transmission
- Tremor
- Trend
- Trending
- Try
- Tumbling
- Turn
- Turned
- Turning
- Turnkey
- Twitch
- Twitching
- Unrolled
- Urge
- Verge
- Volute
- Warp
- Wave
- Wind
- Work
- Worm
- Wrench
- Wrestle
- Yak
- Zest
- Creep
- Detector
- Displacement
- Pneumothorax
- Probe
- Pronation
- Rotor
- Torsional
- Twisted
- Twisting
- Volvulus
- Anticlinal
- Gauche
- Synclinal
- Accosted
- Adoptee
- Aerodynamic
- Akimbo
- Anear
- Applied
- Applying
- Ara
- Arced
- Arcuation
- Artful
- Articulate
- Awry
- Backbreaker
- Bar Sinister
- Barb
- Bay
- Bayonet
- Bending
- Bendlet
- Bendwise
- Bendy
- Bent
- Big Bend
- Bight
- Bind
- Bine
- Black Mangrove
- Blind Curve
- Bluff
- Bobsleigh
- Body English
- Boe
- Bonkers
- Bought
- Boul
- Bow Down
- Bulge
- Bulgy
- Bulldog
- Cambered
- Canyon
- Cernuous
- Chad
- Chignon
- Circumflect
- Circumvolute
- Cleft
- Complicate
- Complicated
- Condescend
- Contort
- Contortion
- Contortionist
- Contortive
- Contracture
- Convolute
- Convolution
- Convolvulus
- Cordeling
- Cornea
- Corrugate
- Cottise
- Couch
- Couped
- Couple
- Couples
- Courb
- Cranked
- Crankle
- Crimp
- Crimped
- Cringe
- Cringing
- Crinkle
- Crisp
- Crooked
- Crowned
- Curbing
- Curl
- Curlicue
- Curls
- Curved
- Curving
- Curvity
- Daft
- Dead Center
- Dead Centre
- Debruised
- Declension
- Declivity
- Deflect
- Deform
- Deformation
- Denim
- Dent
- Detort
- Dickens
- Diffraction
- Distort
- Distorted
- Distorting
- Distortion
- Dogleg
- Double Jointed
- Double Up
- Downslope
- Driveshaft
- Droop
- Drooping
- Drunkenness
- Duress
- Dystonia
- Elbow
- Elbowed
- Embattled
- Embow
- Engouled
- Engrailed
- Entwine
- Entwist
- Eridanus
- Extort
- Falcation
- Falsify
- Fan Belt
- Fissure
- Flexible
- Flexile
- Flexion
- Flexor
- Flexure
- Flimsy
- Flounce
- Fold
- Fold Up
- Folding
- Fondu
- Friedcake
- Gaffle
- Gaga
- Gas Turbine
- Geanticlinal
- Gearing
- Geniculate
- Genu
- Genuflect
- Geosynclinal
- Gila
- Gird
- Gnarl
- Gorget
- Great Plains
- Greenstick Fracture
- Grimace
- Grommet
- Gruel
- Guinea
- Gunwale
- Gyrate
- Hairpin
- Hairpin Bend
- Hammerlock
- Hardline
- Heaver
- Helix
- Honey Locust
- Humeral
- Hunch
- Imbibe
- Implicate
- Inclination
- Incline
- Incurvate
- Indiana
- Indirectness
- Inflamed
- Inflect
- Inflection
- Inflex
- Inflexible
- Insane
- Intend
- Interlace
- Interlaced
- Interlacing
- Intertwine
- Intertwist
- Intervolve
- Intorsion
- Intort
- Introvert
- Inwards
- Ironic
- Jacana
- Jawbone
- Jib
- Juke
- Jumper
- Kicker
- Kink
- Kneck
- Kneel
- Kowtow
- Labyrinthine
- Left Handed
- Lemon
- Lenient
- Levogyrate
- Limber
- Lithe
- Loco
- Loony
- Loosen
- Lop
- Lout
- Lozengy
- Lurk
- Lying
- Macrame
- Madden
- Magnetic Moment
- Malanders
- Malleolus
- Manzanita
- Marriage
- Maze
- Miller
- Mitanni
- Monocoque
- Nate
- Ness
- Nodding
- Nos
- Nostradamus
- Nuts
- Oat
- Offsetting
- Oregon
- Ornery
- Orphan
- Overbow
- Oxbow
- Palette
- Passe
- Peen
- Peening
- Peer
- Pendulous
- Pepsi
- Persuade
- Persuading
- Perversion
- Pervert
- Piper
- Pirl
- Plait
- Pliable
- Plica
- Plie
- Power Steering
- Power Train
- Purl
- Ragamuffin
- Ranch
- Reaction Turbine
- Readily
- Recline
- Recurvate
- Recurve
- Reflect
- Reflectively
- Reflex
- Refraction
- Replicate
- Retire
- Retroflex
- Reverse
- Rigid
- Rind
- Rolling
- Rompu
- Roundoff
- Saltire
- Scowl
- Screw Up
- Screwball
- Seismographic
- Serpentine
- Serpentize
- Shoulder
- Shouldering
- Shout
- Shrink
- Sigmoid
- Sigmoid Flexure
- Sikes
- Sinuate
- Sinus
- Slant
- Slanted
- Slither
- Sliver
- Slouch
- Slub
- Slue
- Snaky
- Snarled
- Sneering
- Spill
- Spire
- Spline
- Sprain
- Squiggle
- Squiggly
- Squirm
- Squirming
- Sse
- Stiff
- Stiffened
- Stoop
- Struggling
- Supercharge
- Supercharged
- Supple
- Sway
- Swerve
- Swerving
- Swirl
- Swirled
- Swirling
- Switchback
- Synclastic
- Taille
- Tendril
- Tennis Elbow
- Texas
- Thief
- Topology
- Torc
- Tornado
- Torquated
- Torsion Bar
- Tort
- Torticollis
- Tortuosity
- Tortuous
- Tress
- Tumble
- Turn Up
- Tweak
- Tweaked
- Tweedle
- Twine
- Twining
- Twirl
- Twirling
- Unbone
- Unscrew
- Untwist
- Untwisted
- Unwinding
- Vault
- Vermicular
- Vex
- Vexing
- Violence
- Voluble
- Waif
- Wattle
- Weave
- Weep
- Weeping
- Whirl
- Whirling
- Wiggle
- Wiggling
- Wiggly
- Wimple
- Winding
- Wisp
- Wound
- Wreathe
- Wrest
- Wrester
- Wrick
- Wriggling
- Wriggly
- Writhe
- Writhing
- Wry
- Yoga
- Zigzag
- Zigzaggery
- Adduction
- Biaxial
- Bowing
- Compression
- Compressive
- Dislocation
- Fatigue
- Flattening
- Flexural
- Hydrostatic
- Luxation
- Multiaxial
- Prolapse
- Shortening
- Static
- Tensile
- Triaxial
- Uniaxial
- Alcaic
- Alexandrine
- Allemande
- Alliteration
- Ammeter
- Ampere
- Analysis
- Anapestic
- Angstrom
- Are
- Ashford
Adjectives For Torsion Meter
[torsion meter] implies to an instrument for determining the torque on a shaft, and hence the horse power of an engine, esp. of a marine engine of high power, by measuring the amount of twist of a given length of the shaft. called also torsimeter, torsiometer, torsometer.
As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for torsion meter are: Galvanometer, Torque, Twist, Anti, Follow, Shear, Unit, Bring, Bringing, Chubby. Based on our algorithm, there are 782 words to decribe torsion meter. I hope list of words to describe torsion meter could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.
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