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Adjectives For Thallium

[thallium] implies to a soft gray malleable metallic element that resembles tin but discolors on exposure to air; it is highly toxic and is used in rodent and insect poisons; occurs in zinc blende and some iron ores, a soft, malleable, highly toxic metallic element, used in photocells, infrared detectors, low-melting glass, and formerly in rodent and ant poisons. a radioactive isotope, tl-201, is used in medical imaging. atomic number 81; atomic weight 204.38; melting point 304°c; boiling point 1,473°c; specific gravity 11.85 (20°c); valence 1, 3. : periodic table. or chemical symbol, tl; atomic weight, 204.2. a rare metal which was discovered in the residuum left from the distillation of selenium by crookes, in 1861, and was first supposed to contain tellurium, but afterward proved, by the aid of the spectroscope, to be new.

As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for thallium are: Arsenic, Antimony, Thallous, Iodine, Metallic Element, Tetrachlorethylene, Barium, Atomic Number, Caesium, Thallic. Based on our algorithm, there are 267 words to decribe thallium. I hope list of words to describe thallium could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.

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