Found 720 words to describe [spina bifida]. You can click on each words to see its definition.
- Cerebral Palsy
- Scoliosis
- Birth Defect
- Malformation
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Congenital
- Genetic Disorder
- Myelomeningocele
- Deformity
- Clubfoot
- Achondroplasia
- Muscular Dystrophy
- Neurofibromatosis
- Epilepsy
- Degenerative Disorder
- Plagiocephaly
- Degenerative
- Atresia
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Hemiplegia
- Microtia
- Congenital Disorder
- Cleft Palate
- Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Congenital Abnormality
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Juvenile Diabetes
- Cleft Lip
- Hydrocephaly
- Leukodystrophy
- Neuroblastoma
- Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Retinoblastoma
- Neurological Disorder
- Genetic Abnormality
- Pyloric Stenosis
- Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Teratism
- Pulmonary Stenosis
- Chromosomal Anomaly
- Incompetent Cervix
- Torticollis
- Rh Incompatibility
- Genetic Defect
- Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Osteosarcoma
- Duchenne
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Atrial Septal Defect
- Kidney Disease
- Congenital Defect
- Disabilities
- Apert
- Blastoma
- Coarctation
- Galactosemia
- Apraxia
- Neural Tube
- Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Quadriplegia
- Histiocytosis
- Metabolic Disorder
- Spastic Paralysis
- Abrachia
- Leukemia
- Osteopetrosis
- Profoundly Deaf
- Neurogenic Bladder
- Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Infantile Paralysis
- Trisomy
- Preeclampsia
- Toxemia
- Visual Impairment
- Agenesis
- Hyperemesis
- Becker Muscular Dystrophy
- Hydrops
- Ventricular Septal Defect
- Angiosarcoma
- Molar Pregnancy
- Scaphocephaly
- Rachischisis
- Autosomal Dominant Disease
- Meromelia
- Misshapenness
- Anodontia
- Nephroptosis
- Acromicria
- Spinal
- Spinal Curvature
- Pleurothotonus
- Tetralogy Of Fallot
- Oxycephaly
- Rachialgia
- Abnormality
- Craniofacial
- Blue Baby
- Syringomyelia
- Nervous Disorder
- Neurological
- Anorchism
- Meningocele
- Conversion Disorder
- Williams Syndrome
- Cortical Epilepsy
- Anencephalous
- Laparocele
- Keratocele
- Glandular Disease
- Herniotomy
- Atrichia
- Ablepharia
- Palsy
- Neurosarcoma
- Plagiocephalic
- Hyperdactyly
- Dystrophy
- Acardia
- Spondylolisthesis
- Infraspinal
- Tabes Dorsalis
- Genitocrural
- Cyanopathy
- Dysplasia
- Mucoviscidosis
- Keratomalacia
- Idiopathy
- Anorchia
- Oculomotor Nerve
- Adactylism
- Hernia
- Epileptogenous
- Pigeon Breast
- Acrocephaly
- Interspinal
- Spinate
- Epileptoid
- Acephalia
- Hypoplasia
- Coeliac Disease
- Merocele
- Accessory Nerve
- Myosarcoma
- Interneural
- Pneumogastric
- Microcephaly
- Arthrodynia
- Appendicular Skeleton
- Cystose
- Stenosis
- Scaphocephalic
- Hysteroepilepsy
- Barbecue
- Barbeque
- Chine
- Kyphosis
- Quill
- Sacrum
- Side
- Tail
- Bud
- Prothesis
- Acantha
- Acanthoid
- Acanthous
- Acicula
- Acromion
- Aculeus
- Adjust
- Adjusting
- Afferent
- Air Bladder
- Alien
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Andes
- Anglerfish
- Anteater
- Anterior
- Apennines
- Arachnoid
- Astrocyte
- Atlas
- Atropine
- Author
- Awned
- Axial Skeleton
- Axis
- Back
- Backboard
- Backbone
- Backrest
- Bak
- Banded
- Bane
- Base
- Based
- Binding
- Blah
- Boma
- Brachial Plexus
- Brain
- Brain Stem
- Brainstem
- Bristlecone Pine
- Broken Backed
- Bulb
- Bulbar
- Calamus
- Canal
- Cancer
- Carabiner
- Central
- Cephalochordate
- Cerebripetal
- Cerebrospinal
- Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Cervical Vertebra
- Charioteer
- Chined
- Chiropractic
- Chlamyphore
- Chordate
- Chuck
- Cns
- Coccyx
- Colophon
- Column
- Commissure
- Conodont
- Cord
- Cornerstones
- Corset
- Corticospinal
- Corticospinal Tract
- Costa
- Cover
- Covers
- Cowardly
- Craniate
- Crash
- Crataegus
- Creepy
- Crookback
- Crucial
- Curvature
- Datura
- Decerebrate
- Decompression
- Deltoid
- Dipped
- Disc
- Discography
- Disk
- Dogfish
- Dorsal
- Dorsum
- Dura
- Dura Mater
- Eerie
- Eeriness
- Eery
- Efferent
- Elytron
- Encephalography
- Encephalomyelitis
- Endyma
- Enkephalin
- Epidural
- Epidural Anesthesia
- Epidural Injection
- Esodic
- Esophagus
- Eth
- Exciting
- Exodic
- Femoral
- Fines
- Firethorn
- Fishy
- Float
- Foramen Magnum
- Fulcrum
- Fusion
- Ganglion
- Ganglionic
- Glioma
- Glycerol
- Gray Matter
- Griskin
- Grit
- Half Bound
- Headband
- Heart
- Hedge
- Herniated Disc
- Herringbone
- Horn
- Horrific
- Hump
- Humpback
- Hunchback
- Hyoscyamine
- Ine
- Infraspinous
- Interhaemal
- Intervertebral Disc
- Intervertebral Disk
- Intrathecal
- Invertebrate
- Invertebrated
- Jack
- Jacked
- Joint
- Kangaroo
- Keel
- Kidney
- Kinesodic
- Kundalini
- Lancelet
- Leaf
- Letter
- Loin
- Lordosis
- Lordotic
- Lumbar
- Lumbar Puncture
- Lumbosacral
- Luz
- Mainstay
- Marrow
- Massif
- Medulla
- Medulla Oblongata
- Meningioma
- Meningitis
- Meningoencephalitis
- Meninx
- Mesentery
- Mesoderm
- Mesoscapula
- Metal
- Mettle
- Monoceros
- Motoneuron
- Motor Neuron
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Muticous
- Myelencephalic
- Myelencephalon
- Myelic
- Myelitis
- Myelogram
- Myelography
- Myeloid
- Myelopathy
- Nape
- Nasal
- Nast
- Neck Bone
- Needle
- Needling
- Nerve
- Nerves
- Neural
- Neurapophysis
- Neurasthenia
- Neuroblast
- Neuroglia
- Neuromere
- Neuron
- Neurosurgery
- Nociceptive
- Notch
- Notochord
- Notodontian
- Nucleus
- Omen
- Orthopaedics
- Orthopedics
- Osteoporosis
- Paloverde
- Panel
- Paraplegic
- Parasympathetic
- Parasympathetic Nervous System
- Paraxial
- Pasteurism
- Paw
- Pedicle
- Pediculati
- Pelvis
- Pennines
- Peripheral Nervous System
- Pest
- Phrenic Nerve
- Picked
- Pike
- Piles
- Pillar
- Pillars
- Pipe
- Piperocaine
- Pipes
- Pith
- Plate
- Point
- Points
- Polio
- Poliomyelitis
- Pollicate
- Pomaceous
- Posterior
- Postscapula
- Pricker
- Prickle
- Prickles
- Processed
- Processing
- Protuberance
- Psoas
- Psyche
- Pubic
- Pungent
- Pygal
- Pyracanth
- Pyracantha
- Pyramidal Tract
- Rachidian
- Rachis
- Rack
- Ray
- Rebind
- Reinforcement
- Rhizotomy
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Rib
- Ridge
- Ridgeback
- Rin
- Rostral
- Rump
- Rune
- Sacral Vertebra
- Saddle
- Scary
- Sciatica
- Scooping
- Scragged
- Sensational
- Sensillum
- Sensory Neuron
- Set
- Shaft
- Shiver
- Sigmoid
- Sit
- Slipped Disc
- Solander
- Spikes
- Spiking
- Spin
- Spinal Anesthesia
- Spinal Anesthetic
- Spinal Canal
- Spinal Column
- Spinal Cord
- Spinal Fluid
- Spinal Fusion
- Spinal Nerve
- Spinal Tap
- Spine
- Spined
- Spineless
- Spinescent
- Spinifex
- Spiniform
- Spinigerous
- Spinocerebellar
- Spinous
- Spinule
- Spiny
- Spiny Anteater
- Spondyl
- Spondylarthritis
- Spondyle
- Spondylitis
- Spur
- Spurring
- Stagger
- Staggered
- Staggering
- Stamina
- Stegosaur
- Stem
- Sting
- Stinger
- Stingray
- Strength
- Styloid
- Sukhoi
- Super
- Supraspinal
- Supraspinous
- Surgeonfish
- Swayback
- Swaybacked
- Sympathetic Nervous System
- Syringocoele
- Syrinx
- Tap
- Tapped
- Tenderloin
- Teratoma
- Terminal
- Tertiary Syphilis
- Tetanic
- Theca
- Thoracic Duct
- Thorn
- Thorny
- Throat
- Timid
- Title
- Toru
- Tower
- Triggerfish
- Twist
- Uplink
- Urals
- Variola
- Ventral
- Ventricle
- Versatile
- Vertebra
- Vertebrae
- Vertebral
- Vertebral Column
- Vertebrata
- Vertebrate
- Vertebrated
- Weak
- Weapon
- Whiplash
- White Matter
- Kitten
- Abe
- Albert
- Alimony
- Apart
- Atom Bomb
- Autogamy
- Axe
- Bifurcation
- Birefringence
- Blasting
- Block
- Boom
- Breach
- Breaching
- Bucket
- Burundi
- Capsule
- Carboxypeptidase
- Casuistic
- Chap
- Chapped
- Chasm
- Chorisis
- Clapboard
- Clause
- Clean And Jerk
- Cleavage
- Cleave
- Cleft
- Clone
- Collet
- Comic
- Contention
- Controversy
- Corduroy
- Corduroys
- Corny
- Cotter Pin
- Crack
- Crevice
- Crossgrained
- Damage
- Dehisce
- Dehiscence
- Difference
- Differences
- Disagreement
- Disagreements
- Discord
- Dispute
- Disputes
- Diverge
- Division
- Divisive
- Divorce
- Dos
- Double Refraction
- Dresser
- Duplication
- Ear
- Edward
- Electrolysis
- Enterocoele
- Estate
- Ethiopia
- Fast
- Fault
- Fences
- Fermi
- Ferrule
- Fission Bomb
- Fissiparous
- Fissure
- Flaw
- Fork
- Forking
- Fractionation
- Fracture
- Freestone
- Froe
- Frowey
- Gap
- Gaps
- Garter
- Glut
- Goodbye
- Graben
- Great Rift Valley
- Heal
- Healed
- Hydrolase
- Hydrolysis
- Hyperfine Structure
- Indehiscent
- Isochromosome
- Kenya
- Key
- Linking
- Loud
- Lousy
- Lysosome
- Malawi
- Maul
- Micaceous
- Mics
- Noisy
- Normal
- Nuclear Fission
- Painful
- Part
- Parting
- Partition
- Pate
- Pedant
- Peptidase
- Pfp
- Piecing
- Platy
- Plugged
- Pod
- Protease
- Proteinase
- Proteolytic Enzyme
- Psd
- Putrefaction
- Reconciliation
- Refract
- Reft
- Rending
- Rent
- Reuse
- Rhododendron
- Riffle
- Rift
- Rift Valley
- Rifted
- Rifting
- Riot
- Rip
- Ripped
- Ripping
- Rive
- Row
- Rudolf
- Rupture
- Saccharomyces
- Schism
- Schizocarp
- Scissile
- Scissure
- Segregated
- Segregation
- Separate
- Separated
- Separates
- Separation
- Separatist
- Septicidal
- Serengeti
- Shake
- Shale
- Sharing
- Shoa
- Shrill
- Slaty
- Slit
- Slot
- Snatch
- Spallation
- Splinter
- Splintering
Adjectives For Spina Bifida
[spina bifida] implies to a not uncommon congenital defect in which a vertebra is malformed; unless several vertebrae are affected or there is myelomeningocele there are few symptoms; can be diagnosed by amniocentesis, a congenital defect in which the spinal column is imperfectly closed so that part of the meninges or spinal cord protrudes, often resulting in hydrocephalus and other neurological disorders. or a congenital malformation in which the spinal column is cleft at its lower portion, and the membranes of the spinal cord project as an elastic swelling from the gap thus formed.
As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for spina bifida are: Cerebral Palsy, Scoliosis, Birth Defect, Malformation, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Congenital, Genetic Disorder, Myelomeningocele, Deformity, Clubfoot. Based on our algorithm, there are 720 words to decribe spina bifida. I hope list of words to describe spina bifida could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.
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