Found 112 words to describe [sorites]. You can click on each words to see its definition.

Adjectives For Sorites

[sorites] implies to an argument presenting a series of premises that can be analyzed as a chain of syllogisms, with each syllogism's major term forming the minor term of the next, until a final conclusion is attained. for example, a sorites might consist of the premises that some pets are snakes, that no snakes have fur, and that only furry things are cuddly, yielding the conclusion that not all pets are cuddly., an argument exploiting the imprecision of everyday language to reach a paradoxical conclusion. the classic argument of this sort maintains that one grain of sand does not make a heap and that adding a single grain of sand to something that is not a heap does not make a heap, yielding the conclusion that no additional amount of sand can make a heap. or of or relating to a sorites.

As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for sorites are: Syllogism, Paralogism, Episyllogism, Minor Premise, Petitio Principii, Prosyllogism, Paradox, Major Premise, Fallacy, Logical Fallacy. Based on our algorithm, there are 112 words to decribe sorites. I hope list of words to describe sorites could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.

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