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Adjectives For Rotifera

[rotifera] implies to a phylum including: rotifers, a class of animalcules, usually classified with or near the lowest worms, distinguished by their circles of cilia, sometimes single, sometimes double, which through the microscope appear like revolving wheels, whence they have been called wheel-animalcules and rotatoria. or an order of minute worms which usually have one or two groups of vibrating cilia on the head, which, when in motion, often give an appearance of rapidly revolving wheels. the species are very numerous in fresh waters, and are very diversified in form and habits.

As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for rotifera are: Ascaridae, Ectoprocta, Worm Family, Pseudocoelomate, Amoebida, Rotifer, Filariidae, Terebellidae, Polymastigina, Rhizopoda. Based on our algorithm, there are 114 words to decribe rotifera. I hope list of words to describe rotifera could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.

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