Found 99 words to describe [ratibida]. You can click on each words to see its definition.

Adjectives For Ratibida

[ratibida] implies to genus of perennial wildflowers of north american plains and prairies; often cultivated for their showy flower heads, a small genus of american composite herbs, two or three of which are garden-plants. it is closely allied to rudbeckia. ratibida columnaris is the leading cultivated species, particularly the variety pulcherrima (obeliscaria pulcherrima of former seed-lists), native to prairies of the midcontinental region. this plant is two to three feet tall, with narrowly divided leaves, and yellow or purple rays on the terminal long-receptacled heads.

As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for ratibida are: Asterid Dicot Genus, Coneflower, Haplopappus, Genus Coreopsis, Genus Nemophila, Machaeranthera, Seriphidium, Genus Chrysanthemum, Hulsea, Gutierrezia. Based on our algorithm, there are 99 words to decribe ratibida. I hope list of words to describe ratibida could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.

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