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Adjectives For Prion

[prion] implies to (microbiology) an infectious protein particle similar to a virus but lacking nucleic acid; thought to be the agent responsible for scrapie and other degenerative diseases of the nervous system, a genus of procellariidæ, having the bill expanded and strongly beset along the cutting edges with lamellæ like the teeth of a saw; the saw-billed petrels. p. vittata is a blue-and-white petrel inhabiting southern seas. also pachyptila. or any of several types of protein particle lacking nucleic acid, believed to be the cause of certain slow-developing infectious diseases such as scapie in sheep, and creutzfeldt-jakob disease and kuru in humans.

As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for prion are: Variant, Request, Pray, Pathogen, Retrovirus, Amyloid, Infectivity, Borrelia, Microorganism, Biofilm. Based on our algorithm, there are 211 words to decribe prion. I hope list of words to describe prion could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.

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