Found 823 words to describe [motional]. You can click on each words to see its definition.
- Movement
- Angular Velocity
- Vibrational
- Oscillatory
- Reactance
- Dephasing
- Contrastive
- Dipolar
- Quasiparticle
- Temporal
- Optima
- Chrominance
- Magnon
- Psychokinesis
- Collinear
- Kinaesthetic
- Quantization
- Interatomic
- Masculinization
- Palpability
- Scintillation
- Antiferromagnetic
- Directivity
- Enthalpy
- Dispersive
- Rostral
- Demodulated
- Magnetisation
- Coplanar
- Dissipative
- Nematic
- Formes
- Inertial
- Invariance
- Spatial
- Calorimetric
- Birefringence
- Phonemic
- Hyperfine
- Cosine
- Absorbance
- Superposed
- Interphase
- Expressional
- Ideality
- Stereochemical
- Adsorbate
- Photolysis
- Coronal
- Stereopsis
- Sensorium
- Sine Curve
- Cementite
- Synchronic
- Intramolecular
- Spectrogram
- Kinematics
- Monotonic
- Plasmatic
- Chroma
- Interocular
- Acyclic
- Stochasticity
- Galactosidase
- Asynchrony
- Gaussian
- Neocortical
- Imaginal
- Logarithm
- Tensor
- Coercivity
- Backscattering
- Azimuthal
- Ideational
- Isotherms
- Trigonometric
- Saccadic
- Obliquity
- Laterality
- Orbitals
- Acoustic Impedance
- Coriolis
- Photoelectron
- Isomorphic
- Prosodic
- Factorial
- Excitation
- Triode
- Microphonic
- Radiometry
- Spatiotemporal
- Sociality
- Modulo
- Omnidirectional
- Nulling
- Electret
- Variable Resistor
- Frap
- Colorimetry
- Attenuation
- Dimensionless
- Tympanic
- Scalar
- Motation
- Vibratility
- Brownian Movement
- Motific
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Larmor Precession
- Magnetic Moment
- Hemiballismus
- Mechanical Phenomenon
- Moment Of Inertia
- Electrical Phenomenon
- Con Moto
- Physical Phenomenon
- Coriolis Force
- Kerr Effect
- Physical Property
- Reluctivity
- Oscillative
- Sympathetic Vibration
- Angular Acceleration
- Centrode
- Vibratile
- Piezoelectric Effect
- Nonoscillatory
- Body English
- Vibratiuncle
- Premotion
- Gyromagnetic Ratio
- Dygogram
- Electric Potential
- Kaleidophone
- Kinesodic
- Magnetic Lens
- Zeeman Effect
- Perpetual Motion Machine
- Magnetograph
- Magnetic Flux Density
- Equilibrant
- Scalogram
- Tasimeter
- Magnetomotive Force
- Phonomotor
- Lorentz Force
- Electrical Resistance
- Optical Rotation
- Electric Charge
- Spatial Property
- Autokinesis
- Gravitational Field
- Undulationist
- Kinetic Art
- Oscillation
- Magnetic North
- Nervimotion
- Enantiodromia
- Factor Of Proportionality
- Gravitational Force
- Vibrograph
- Gestic
- Quantum Number
- Relativistic Mass
- Photokinesis
- Optical Phenomenon
- Rheochord
- Pyroelectricity
- Pulsific
- Circumnutate
- Rest Mass
- Phrenomagnetism
- Electric Current
- Aesthesodic
- Wavelike
- Isodynamic
- Myograph
- Pinch Effect
- Reynolds Number
- Harmonograph
- Geotaxis
- Vector Field
- Animastic
- Gravitational Constant
- Universal Joint
- Circumundulate
- Brain Wave
- Wave Train
- Tunnel Diode
- Photomagnetic
- Magnetic Circuit
- Point Of Inflection
- Stauroscope
- Vibroscope
- Perspectograph
- Myogram
- Rheobase
- Gravity Meter
- Torpent
- Emanant
- Narrowing
- Freedom
- Emf
- Impedance
- State
- Field
- Energy
- States
- Feedback
- Model
- Resistance
- Verbs
- Voltage
- Artifacts
- Properties
- Restriction
- Models
- Parameters
- Frequencies
- Effect
- Aback
- Abarticulation
- Abate
- Abating
- Aberration
- Absolute
- Abstention
- Abubble
- Academy Award
- Accelerate
- Accelerating
- Acceleration
- Acclamation
- Accord
- Accretive
- Accusative
- Achilles
- Act
- Action
- Action Replay
- Activate
- Activated
- Activating
- Active
- Activity
- Actuality
- Actuated
- Actuating
- Actuation
- Adjournment
- Adopted
- Advance
- Advancement
- Aerodynamic
- Aerodynamics
- Aerofoil
- Aeromechanics
- Aeronautics
- Aerostat
- Affirmative
- Again
- Against
- Agate
- Agency
- Agile
- Agitate
- Agitated
- Agree
- Agreed
- Ahead
- Aid
- Aided
- Aileron
- Air
- Air Cushion
- Air Sick
- Airflow
- Airfoil
- Airiness
- Airs
- Airsick
- Akathisia
- Akinesia
- Akinesis
- Alive
- Allative
- Along
- Alpha
- Amble
- Ambling
- Amend
- Amended
- Amendment
- Amphiarthrosis
- Amplitude
- Anaglyph
- Anchor
- Anchoring
- Android
- Animal
- Animate
- Animation
- Animatronics
- Annual
- Anomaly
- Answer
- Answering
- Antanaclasis
- Antecedence
- Anti
- Antiperistaltic
- Apart
- Apoplexy
- Apparent
- Appeal
- Apply
- Approve
- Approved
- Argue
- Armature
- Around
- Arouse
- Arousing
- Arrest
- Arrester
- Arrive
- Articulation
- Ascent
- Associate
- Astir
- Astrodynamics
- Astrology
- Astrometry
- Astronomer
- Astronomical
- Astronomy
- Atarax
- Athletic
- Attain
- Attained
- Auspex
- Autogiro
- Automatic
- Automatical
- Automatism
- Autorotation
- Avalanche
- Away
- Axial Rotation
- Axis
- Aye
- Back
- Backhand
- Backhoe
- Backspin
- Backstay
- Backstroke
- Backward
- Backwater
- Baffling
- Bak
- Balking
- Ball
- Ballet
- Ballistic
- Bang
- Bat
- Beak
- Beam
- Bearing
- Beat
- Beats
- Becalm
- Becalmed
- Beckon
- Beckoning
- Befoul
- Begin
- Beginner
- Begins
- Behind
- Bellows
- Belt
- Benadryl
- Bending
- Beneath
- Between
- Bill
- Bills
- Bind
- Binding
- Biodynamic
- Biopic
- Birr
- Blade
- Blind Spot
- Blip
- Block
- Bloodstroke
- Blow
- Board
- Bob
- Bobbing
- Bobble
- Boe
- Boil
- Boomerang
- Bore
- Bottom
- Bounce
- Bound
- Bowl
- Bowled
- Braid
- Braids
- Brain
- Brak
- Brake
- Brandish
- Break
- Breath
- Breathing
- Breathless
- Breeze
- Breezeless
- Bridle
- Brisk
- Brown
- Brownian
- Brownian Motion
- Brush
- Bubbling
- Bucket
- Bumpy
- Burbank
- Burst
- Butterfly
- Cadence
- Cadenced
- Cage
- Calm
- Cam
- Cameo
- Camera
- Cameraman
- Cant
- Capriccio
- Car Sickness
- Cardiac Tamponade
- Careen
- Careening
- Carousel
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Carrier
- Carry
- Carsick
- Cartoon
- Cast
- Casted
- Cataplexy
- Catatonic
- Catch
- Celerity
- Celestial Mechanics
- Celluloid
- Censorship
- Censure
- Centerboard
- Centrifuge
- Char
- Charging
- Cheapie
- Check
- Checking
- Chemotactic
- Chew
- Chewed
- Chock
- Chockablock
- Choo
- Chop
- Chopped
- Chorea
- Chronic
- Chrysalis
- Chuck
- Churn
- Churning
- Ciliary
- Ciliate
- Ciliated
- Cilium
- Cine
- Cine Camera
- Cineast
- Cinema
- Cinematic
- Cinematograph
- Cinematographer
- Cinematography
- Circination
- Circular
- Circulation
- Circumgyrate
- Cirrus
- Clap
- Clapboard
- Clapping
- Clean
- Clean And Jerk
- Cleaned
- Click
- Clicking
- Clip
- Clock
- Clockwise
- Clog
- Clogged
- Clonic
- Close
- Closure
- Cloture
- Clutch
- Clutching
- Coast
- Cog
- Cogs
- Cogwheel
- Collar
- Colorization
- Commence
- Commissary
- Committed
- Commotion
- Commove
- Communicate
- Complaint
- Compression
- Con
- Concentric
- Conclude
- Concluded
- Concluding
- Condenser
- Conduct
- Conduction
- Conjunct
- Consensual
- Consequence
- Considered
- Constrain
- Constraining
- Constraint
- Content
- Continuation
- Contortion
- Contrapuntal
- Contrarotation
- Control Surface
- Controller
- Convection
- Converter
- Convolution
- Coq
- Coriolis Effect
- Correlate
- Cosmology
- Costive
- Counterbuff
- Counterclockwise
- Countershaft
- Coupee
- Course
- Cow
- Cpg
- Crab
- Crabwise
- Cradle
- Cramping
- Cramps
- Crank
- Cranking
- Crankshaft
- Crawl
- Crawling
- Crawly
- Credit
- Credited
- Credits
- Creep
- Creeping
- Cringe
- Crossover
- Crunch
- Crutch
- Cumbrous
- Curling
- Current
- Curve
- Curveball
- Cushion
- Cusp
- Cut
- Cut In
- Cuts
- Cycling
- Cyclizine
- Cyclone
- Cyclonic
- Cylindroid
- Dab
- Damp
- Damped
- Dance
- Dangle
- Dangling
- Dead
- Dead Set
- Dead Weight
- Deasil
- Debated
- Deferment
- Degree Of Freedom
- Delay
- Delayed
- Delaying
- Deliberate
- Deliberation
- Delivery
- Demand
- Demivolt
- Demurrer
- Descent
- Describe
- Described
- Det
- Detector
- Detent
- Deviation
- Deviatory
- Device
- Dexterity
- Diagonals
- Diarthrosis
- Diddle
- Differential
- Diffuse
- Diffusing
- Diffusion
- Dilatory
- Dinger
- Dip
- Diphenhydramine
- Direct
- Directing
- Direction
- Directional
- Director
- Dish
- Dished
- Dismiss
- Dismissed
- Displacement
- Distortion
- Dog
- Dogs
- Dogtrot
- Dongle
- Doppler Effect
- Dosh
- Double
- Double Jointed
- Dowel
- Downbeat
- Downstage
- Draft
- Drag
- Draw
- Drift
- Drifting
- Drilled
- Drive
- Drivetrain
- Driving
- Drove
- Drumlin
- Drunken
- Duck
- Dunnage
- Duplex
- Dvd
- Dwell
- Dynamic
- Dyskinesia
- Ear
- Easy
- Ebb
- Eccentric
- Echocardiography
- Eclampsia
- Ecliptic
- Economy
- Ecstasy
- Eddy
- Editor
- Effort
- Elapse
- Elapsed
- Elative
- Eleatic
- Electrodynamics
- Electrokinetic
- Electrolysis
- Electromagnetic
- Electromotive
- Electromotor
- Electron
- Electrophoresis
- Elevator
- Emotion
- Enact
- Encoded
- Encumber
- Endorse
- Endorsed
- Endorsement
- Enforce
- Engaged
- Engine
- English
- Enliven
- Enlivened
- Enlivening
- Ensemble
- Entrainment
- Ephemeris Time
- Epicycle
- Epicyclic
- Epilepsy
- Epoch
- Equable
- Equalizer
- Equate
- Equation
- Equatorial
- Equilibrium
- Errant
- Escapement
- Established
- Euphemism
- Eva
- Evection
- Even
- Evenness
- Excite
- Excited
- Exciter
- Excursion
- Exertion
- Expedite
- Expedited
- Fade
- Faller
- Fan
- Fanned
- Fanning
- Farce
- Fascinate
- Fast
- Fasting
- Favour
- Favoured
- Feather
- Feathered
- Feature
- Feeble
- Feed
- Feint
- Ferment
- Fermented
- Fermenting
- Fico
- Fidget
- Fidgetiness
- Fig
- Filibuster
- Film
- Film Clip
- Film Maker
- Filmable
- Filmdom
- Filmic
- Filming
- Filmmaker
- Filmography
- Fin
- Finger
- First
- Fit
- Fitted
- Flagellum
- Flame
- Flamed
- Flap
- Flapping
- Flashing
- Fleet
- Fleetness
- Flexion
- Flick
- Flicker
- Flicking
- Flier
- Flight
- Fling
- Flinging
- Flip
- Flipping
- Flirt
- Flit
- Float
- Floor
- Motive
Adjectives For Motional
[motional] implies to of or relating to or characterized by motion, of or pertaining to motion; characterized by (certain) motions: specifically applied to particular imitative diseases exhibiting peculiar muscular actions, as tarantism. or of or pertaining to motion.
As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for motional are: Movement, Angular Velocity, Vibrational, Oscillatory, Reactance, Dephasing, Contrastive, Dipolar, Quasiparticle, Temporal. Based on our algorithm, there are 823 words to decribe motional. I hope list of words to describe motional could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.
To search for more describe words, you can enter word or phrase you want to search for in the search box and then press Enter. Note that you should enter a phrase of reasonable length. If a phrase includes too many words, my algorithm will understand that you are searching for a "noisy phrase", so the returned results will not be accurate.