Found 838 words to describe [geometric progression]. You can click on each words to see its definition.
- Exponential
- Monotonically
- Pauperization
- Pauperisation
- Arithmetic Progression
- Exponential Decay
- Immiseration
- Severalfold
- Pervasion
- Deceasing
- Communicability
- Disintegrations
- Carceral
- Enfeeblement
- Ineluctable
- Multiplying
- Multifold
- Disjuncture
- Epiphenomenon
- Underconsumption
- Inexorability
- Urbanization
- Ramify
- Asymptote
- Vitalism
- Manifold
- Noosphere
- Westernisation
- Sine Curve
- Ossifying
- Atomisation
- Enervation
- Logarithmically
- Parasitaemia
- Autarchy
- Collectivisation
- Interpenetration
- Alarming
- Metamorphosing
- Hermaphroditism
- Disordering
- Reification
- Conduces
- Serial Monogamy
- Cumulating
- Idealisation
- Demic
- Metastasizes
- Dramatical
- Malthusian Theory
- Urbanise
- Motorisation
- Unabated
- Escapable
- Ideational
- Thousandfold
- Vagary
- Cyclic
- Terrorisation
- Overmultiply
- Proliferating
- Migrational
- Incommensurability
- Debility
- Life Expectancy
- Masculinisation
- Ceteris Paribus
- Brigandage
- Alimentary
- Vulgarisation
- Cognisant
- Centripetal
- Hundredfold
- Industrialization
- Decreasing
- Humanisation
- Dehumanisation
- Multiply
- Supernormal
- Cyclicity
- Entropic
- Dominancy
- Decadal
- Noncommunicable
- Theorization
- Outbreeding
- Inalterable
- Sporulation
- Geometrically
- Aggregative
- Multipliable
- Independent Variable
- Exponential Equation
- Exponential Function
- Logarithmic Function
- Geometric Series
- Multiplication
- Exponential Distribution
- Logarithmic
- Dependent Variable
- Proliferate
- Mathematical Process
- Matrix Operation
- Binomial Theorem
- Random Variable
- Algebraic Number
- Fourier Series
- Factor Of Proportionality
- Rational Number
- Natural Number
- Irrational Number
- Arithmetic Operation
- Fibonacci Number
- Equimultiple
- Joint Probability
- Increasable
- Periodic Function
- Accrescent
- Teinoscope
- Diophantine Equation
- Natural Logarithm
- Integral Calculus
- Superparticular
- Transcendental Number
- Gas Constant
- Equicrescent
- Hyperbolic Function
- Transfinite Number
- Mesologarithm
- Pullulation
- Metric Space
- Decuple
- Infinitesimal Calculus
- Proper Fraction
- Ceaselessness
- Multiplicative Inverse
- Cofunction
- Gravitational Constant
- Euclidean Space
- Conditional Probability
- Irrevoluble
- Multiplicative
- Affine Transformation
- Power Series
- Adjugate
- Mandelbrot Set
- Rydberg Constant
- Central Limit Theorem
- Auxesis
- Change Magnitude
- Square Matrix
- Vulgar Fraction
- Binary Operation
- Common Fraction
- Progression
- Improper Fraction
- Lapse Rate
- Cartesian Product
- Helmholtz Function
- Vector Algebra
- Cyclotomy
- Poisson Distribution
- Partial Fraction
- Incrementally
- Harmonic Series
- Simple Fraction
- Tangent Plane
- Algebraize
- Topological Group
- Complex Fraction
- Hilbert Space
- Commeasurable
- Open Interval
- Partial Derivative
- Decrew
- Heterauxesis
- Parabolism
- Linearly
- Composite Number
- Pseudograph
- Point Of Inflection
- Magnitude Relation
- Polyacoustic
- Perfect Number
- Polyacoustics
- Unary Operation
- Pace
- Arc
- Cone
- Cubism
- Generate
- Generation
- Intersection
- Line
- Pencil
- Pencilled
- Plane
- Point
- Topology
- Deformational
- Suprematism
- Vicinity
- Accelerate
- Accelerating
- Advance
- Advancement
- Advancing
- Check
- Evolution
- Further
- Furthering
- Motion
- Positive
- Progress
- Promotion
- Rapid
- Spread
- Stage
- Staged
- Take
- Angle
- Arabesque
- Canal
- Circle
- Construction
- Curve
- Diagonal
- Diagram
- Diffraction
- Displacement
- Eccentric
- Face
- Figure
- Geometry
- Lattice
- Mean
- Means
- Mechanical
- Median
- Oblique
- Parallel
- Points
- Projection
- Ray
- Regular
- Sector
- Shape
- Shaped
- Shaping
- Side
- Similar
- Solid
- Sphere
- Square
- Symmetry
- Tangent
- Vertex
- Aberration
- Abiogenesis
- Abort
- Abortion
- Accession
- Accrete
- Accretion
- Accrue
- Accrued
- Accumulation
- Achondroplasia
- Adams
- Adult Education
- Aftergrowth
- Agrobiology
- Alter
- Amendment
- Amitosis
- Anabolic Steroid
- Anacoluthia
- Anacoluthon
- Analagous
- Analog
- Analogous
- Analogue
- Analogy
- Anamorphosis
- Animal
- Antineoplastic
- Aponeurosis
- Architecture
- Arrest
- Auction
- Babyhood
- Ballet
- Barricade
- Barrier
- Bias
- Biased
- Bifurcation
- Biology
- Blight
- Blighted
- Bloviate
- Boom
- Boost
- Box
- Brace
- Breeding
- Bridge
- Bridged
- Bridging
- Buildup
- Cambium
- Camel
- Cancer
- Capacity
- Cell
- Cenogenesis
- Cephalization
- Cerebellum
- Checking
- Chemical Reaction
- Chimney
- Choke
- Choked
- Chromosomal Aberration
- Chromosomal Anomaly
- Compensation
- Congress
- Constant
- Containment
- Control
- Conurbation
- Conventionalism
- Convergence
- Core
- Corequisite
- Coring
- Cosmogony
- Cosmology
- Cotillion
- Crescent
- Crossover
- Cultivation
- Cycle
- Dam
- Deconstructivism
- Deflection
- Deformation
- Degeneration
- Degradation
- Delay
- Delayed
- Delaying
- Denaturation
- Denature
- Dendrochronology
- Descent
- Describe
- Described
- Develop
- Development
- Developmental
- Diapause
- Diaphragm
- Disseminate
- Division
- Doctor
- Doctored
- Dogtrot
- Dormant
- Drag
- Dress
- Drift
- Dwarf
- Dynamic
- Dysplasia
- Early Childhood
- Earth Science
- Edifice
- Elbow
- Elbowed
- Electrophoresis
- Embryo
- Embryogenesis
- Encourage
- Endogeny
- Enlarge
- Entree
- Environment
- Epidemic
- Estrogen
- Etiolate
- Etiolated
- Exception
- Expedite
- Expedited
- Facet
- Family
- Fast Track
- Fertile
- Fertilizer
- File
- Fin
- Florescence
- Focus
- Fold
- Foment
- Foramen
- Force
- Formalize
- Formative
- Formed
- Forward
- Foster
- Fostered
- Fostering
- Frond
- Fulfilment
- Functional
- Furtherance
- Future
- Futurism
- Gate
- Gatehouse
- Gateway
- Genetic Mutation
- Geology
- Germ
- Germinal
- Germinate
- Germination
- Goal
- Groin
- Grow
- Halt
- Hamartoma
- Hedge
- Heliotropism
- Herm
- Heterologic
- Heterological
- Heterologous
- Homologous
- Hospitable
- Hotbed
- Hump
- Hydrofoil
- Hyper
- Hyperplasia
- Hypertrophy
- Hypha
- Immature
- Impedimenta
- Improvement
- Inauguration
- Incubate
- Infancy
- Infant
- Infill
- Inflection
- Ingrowth
- Introduction
- Investiture
- Investment
- Jump
- Kindergarten
- Knot
- Knotting
- Kuhn
- Kwashiorkor
- Ladder
- Lesion
- Leukodystrophy
- Life
- Lime
- Macronutrient
- Making
- Manhole
- Martensite
- Mathematics
- Mature
- May
- Measure
- Measured
- Membrane
- Mention
- Metamorphic
- Metamorphism
- Metamorphosis
- Method
- Micronutrient
- Minuet
- Modify
- Mold
- Molded
- Monetarism
- Monomorphic
- Monomorphous
- Monstrous
- Morphogenesis
- Morphology
- Mutation
- Nastic
- Negative
- Neoliberalism
- Neoplasia
- Nest
- Nested
- Nesting
- Neurosis
- Nip
- Nourish
- Nourished
- Nourishment
- Nox
- Nucleus
- Nurse
- Nutriment
- Obligation
- Obstructer
- Odontology
- Ontogeny
- Outgrowing
- Outgrowth
- Outward
- Outwear
- Overgrowth
- Overrun
- Oviduct
- Palaeontology
- Panegyric
- Paramorphism
- Parity
- Parthenogenesis
- Pass
- Passed
- Periodicity
- Persistent
- Petticoat
- Phenomenology
- Photodynamics
- Photoperiod
- Physique
- Pituitary Gland
- Placentation
- Plan
- Planned
- Plans
- Plant
- Plasty
- Polyamide
- Potential
- Potentiality
- Prepuberty
- Presumptive
- Primordial Dwarf
- Processed
- Processing
- Promote
- Protest
- Prothesis
- Putamen
- Radioactivity
- Raise
- Ramp
- Rapidity
- Rate
- Rated
- Redesign
- Regressive
- Regulation
- Resolving
- Restrain
- Restructure
- Retard
- Retardant
- Retardation
- Retrograde
- Rfd
- Rhythm
- Rite
- Rite Of Passage
- Root
- Roots
- Rotator Cuff
- Rudder
- Run
- Sarcoma
- Seed
- Seedbed
- Seeded
- Seeding
- Sex Hormone
- Shake
- Shaking
- Shift
- Shoot
- Sink
- Slang
- Slow
- Slowing
- Sluggish
- Smokestack
- Sociology
- Soil
- Source
- Sourcing
- Sow
- Spiral
- Spiraling
- Sporogony
- Sprawling
- Spreading
- Spring
- Springing
- Spur
- Stability
- Stagflation
- Start
- State
- States
- Stature
- Stepping
- Steroid
- Steroid Hormone
- Stiff
- Stolon
- Straggle
- Strangle
- Stratification
- Streaked
- Structuralism
- Structuring
- Stunt
- Stunting
- Summerhouse
- Summit
- Suppress
- Swell
- Swelled
- Syncytium
- Synecology
- Synthetic
- Syrinx
- Takeoff
- Taproot
- Tardy
- Tectonic
- Teratology
- Thermotropism
- Thrivingness
- Thymus
- Thyroid
- Time
- Tokugawa
- Top
- Torrid
- Transformed
- Transforming
- Transition Temperature
- Transmute
- Tree
- Treed
- Tryptophan
- Tucson
- Turnstile
- Unbeaten
- Uniformitarianism
- Unorganized
- Valve
- Variability
- Vegetative
- Vestige
- Viability
- Viable
- Viaduct
- Wall
- Water Of Crystallization
- Whip
- Young
- Youth
- Zoology
- Circling
- Diaper
- Ecliptic
- Fretfulness
- Fretting
- Ordinary
- Oval
- Plaid
- Pulse
- Saltire
- Space
- Spaced
- Volume
- Age
- Attain
- Attained
- Cadence
- Cadenced
- Come
- Course
- Degree
- Down
- Flow
- Flowchart
- Level
- March
- Movement
- Net
- Order
- Process
- Procession
- Race
- Resolution
- Ride
- Round
- Scale
- Sere
- Series
- String
- Track
- Trajectory
- Disjunct
- Harmonic
- Abc
- Aberrant
- Accent
- Accommodation
- Account
- Acculturation
- Acknowledgment
- Acre
- Act
- Activate
- Acute
- Acyclic
- Adaptation
- Address
- Adjure
- Administration
- Adoption
- Advice
- Aerofoil
- Agama
- Airfoil
- Ala
- Algebra
- Alliance
- Allomerism
- Alterative
- Amend
- Amended
- Amplification
- Anatomy
- Anderson
- Angular
- Annex
- Annihilate
- Announcement
- Annual
- Annulus
- Answer
- Anthropology
- Anthroposophy
- Antibacterial
- Antimony
- Aorta
- Apex
- Apostate
- Appeal
- Appearance
- Apply
- Appraisal
- Apron
- Arch
- Argue
- Argument
- Ark
- Armature
- Arrangement
- Arsenal
- Articulation
- Aspirate
- Assimilation
- Association
- Atom
- Attainment
- Audit
- Augmentation
- Automatism
- Auxin
- Avulsion
- Axial
- Backboard
- Ball
- Ban
- Banned
- Banquet
- Barb
- Barge
- Barren
- Basket
- Bathmism
- Battery
- Bay
- Beam
- Bear
- Beat
- Beats
- Bed
- Before
- Bell
- Bent
- Berg
- Bessie
- Bid
- Bildungsroman
- Binding
- Bioengineering
- Blast
- Bloom
- Bogie
- Book
- Botany
- Bowl
- Bowled
- Breach
- Break
- Breakaway
- Breakwater
- Breed
- Brief
- Bristle
- Bristled
- Bronchus
- Browse
- Brush
- Bubble
Adjectives For Geometric Progression
[geometric progression] implies to (mathematics) a progression in which each term is multiplied by a constant in order to obtain the next term, a sequence, such as the numbers 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, in which each term is multiplied by the same factor in order to obtain the following term. or a sequence in which each term except the first is obtained from the previous by multiplying it by a constant value, known as the common ratio of the geometric progression.
As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for geometric progression are: Exponential, Monotonically, Pauperization, Pauperisation, Arithmetic Progression, Exponential Decay, Immiseration, Severalfold, Pervasion, Deceasing. Based on our algorithm, there are 838 words to decribe geometric progression. I hope list of words to describe geometric progression could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.
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