Found 822 words to describe [control surface]. You can click on each words to see its definition.
- Surface
- Aerofoil
- Airfoil
- Vertical Tail
- Rudderhole
- Rudderstock
- Jump Jet
- Critical Angle
- Convertiplane
- Angle Of Incidence
- Horizontal Tail
- Rudder
- Artificial Horizon
- Rudderpost
- Mechanical Device
- Danaide
- Contrarotation
- Rudderhead
- Planometry
- Reclination
- Wheel And Axle
- Aerodonetics
- Rhysimeter
- Wingover
- Centrode
- Propeller
- Snipebill
- Mesiad
- Machmeter
- Synchroscope
- Trochilics
- Air Pocket
- Oarage
- Sternway
- Laterad
- Vireton
- Steerageway
- Circumnutate
- Epicycloidal Wheel
- Pilot Balloon
- Jack Plane
- Circumvolution
- Differential Gear
- Circumgyrate
- Hoistaway
- Steerless
- Circumvolute
- Magnetic Dip
- Con Moto
- Aerostatics
- Aeromechanic
- Angle Of Refraction
- Monaxial
- Cycloscope
- Circumgyration
- Hedgehop
- Declinator
- Sterhydraulic
- Hangar Queen
- Gear Down
- Sectant
- Air Shaft
- Homodromous
- Trundlehead
- Bilge Keel
- Square Sail
- Ledgment
- Air Corridor
- Spherical Angle
- Total Internal Reflection
- Universal Joint
- Air Lane
- Axial Rotation
- Aileron
- Coriolis Force
- Mechanical Advantage
- Vertical Stabilizer
- Cylindroid
- Orthopinacoid
- Ungula
- Clinostat
- Flip Over
- Counterwheel
- Motory
- Semiaxis
- Orbital Plane
- Stauroscope
- Stringpiece
- Peirameter
- Aircraft
- Horizontal Stabilizer
- Clinopinacoid
- Outjet
- Optical Rotation
- Airometer
- Planometer
- Aerostation
- Polyspast
- Brachypinacoid
- Heelpost
- Athodyd
- Balance Wheel
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Elevator
- Tiller
- Cultivator
- Elevon
- Carry
- Escutcheon
- Flap
- Slat
- Tab
- Vane
- Horn
- Hunt
- Poeciliid
- Touchpad
- Trim Tab
- Hunted
- Aquaplane
- Back
- Bank
- Blip
- Brace
- Break
- Button
- Check
- Checking
- Circuit
- Compress
- Drift
- Float
- Guided
- Guiding
- Hardness
- Head
- Hole
- Indenture
- Land
- Lapped
- Lead
- Line
- List
- Masking
- Measure
- Nail
- Order
- Outside
- Panel
- Panelled
- Pier
- Projection
- Rappel
- Receptor
- Reflex
- Screen
- Shave
- Shoving
- Slot
- Sphere
- Spoiler
- Stroke
- Stroked
- Submarine
- Surfacing
- Take
- Territory
- Throw
- Top
- Topped
- Tops
- Touch
- Trace
- Transfer
- Turf
- Turn
- Valve
- Whip
- Wind
- Zone
- Bridge
- Carriage
- Chain
- Chill
- Choke
- Choked
- Cone
- Diaper
- Keel
- Kick
- Pill
- Radar
- Ride
- Setting
- Skidding
- Tint
- Trochlear
- Absolute
- Air
- Bear
- Board
- Body
- Border
- Box
- Climate
- Continent
- Crack
- Dial
- Fit
- Fitted
- Flesh
- Flipper
- Grip
- Hair
- Hill
- Key
- Knob
- Over
- Plankton
- Pool
- Powered
- Rings
- Rule
- Ruled
- Saddle
- Scrub
- Scrubbing
- Shell
- Sputter
- Sputtering
- Stick
- Tap
- Touched
- Track
- Train
- Trained
- Turned
- Under
- Unit
- Aut
- Beneath
- Boss
- Broadside
- Cable
- Calm
- Center
- Corporal
- Gate
- Lip
- Mandarin
- Nerve
- Nerves
- Out
- Paddling
- Pedal
- Potent
- Raise
- Remote
- Rent
- Run
- Runs
- Tracking
- Underneath
- British Empire
- Endometrium
- Soil
- Water
- Abseil
- Adrift
- Airfield
- Bloat
- Bubble
- Careen
- Careening
- Hoe
- Swell
- Aberration
- Diffuser
- Doy
- Edging
- Fimbriate
- Grid
- Jalousie
- Nappy
- Parachute
- Sling
- Action
- Admiralty
- Airship
- Airspace
- Ambit
- Ant
- Attachment
- Authoritarianism
- Authority
- Automatic
- Automatism
- Backfire
- Blind
- Brain
- Broederbond
- Bund
- Bureaucracy
- Call
- Cancer
- Captive
- Charge
- Charged
- Charging
- Checkpoint
- Chief
- Clampdown
- Click
- Cockpit
- Colonialism
- Combat
- Come
- Command
- Confidence
- Console
- Contained
- Containment
- Contend
- Contending
- Contrast
- Contrasted
- Contrasting
- Controlled
- Controller
- Controlling
- Cost
- Covert
- Curb
- Curbing
- Curling
- Customs
- Dam
- Demesne
- Democracy
- Department
- Dependency
- Dike
- Dimmer
- Direct
- Directing
- Distance
- Domain
- Dominion
- Dominium
- Doorstop
- Drive
- Drunk
- Duopoly
- Empire
- Escape
- Escaped
- Establishment
- Executive
- Explode
- Exploded
- Farm
- Fascism
- Firewarden
- Floodgate
- Flow
- Force
- Forces
- Free
- Freeing
- Fume
- Fumes
- Governance
- Government
- Governor
- Govt
- Graceful
- Guard
- Hard
- Have
- Headend
- Hold
- Hoodoo
- Imperialism
- Incontinence
- Independency
- Indexation
- Interest
- Involuntary
- Iris
- Judge
- Jurisdiction
- Keep
- Killifish
- Kingdom
- Law
- Levee
- License
- Lock
- Locking
- Loose
- Lord
- Lords
- Louisiana
- Machine
- Machined
- Mandate
- Mandated
- Might
- Mobile
- Move
- Mute
- Nasa
- Nose
- Oar
- Obedience
- Occupation
- Occupy
- Operate
- Operated
- Orbit
- Ordeal
- Own
- Pack
- Palatine
- Paralysis
- Passage
- Pause
- Pelican Crossing
- Pelvic Fin
- Piracy
- Play
- Police
- Politburo
- Populist
- Possessed
- Possession
- Predominate
- Presidio
- Private School
- Pro Choice
- Protectorate
- Province
- Public Utility
- Purview
- Pwn
- Quebec
- Race
- Range
- Ranged
- Ranging
- Reach
- Reaching
- Rebel
- Reclaim
- Reclaimed
- Reel
- Reeling
- Regulator
- Reserve
- Return
- Reversal
- Revolt
- Saarland
- Sanction
- Sanctioned
- Sanctioning
- School
- Scope
- Second
- Sluicing
- Smart
- Smarting
- Somalia
- Sovereignty
- Spin
- Stack
- State
- Stopcock
- Subject
- Surrender
- Surrendering
- Tail
- Tails
- Talk
- Tax
- Taxed
- Taxing
- Telerobotics
- Title
- Trackball
- Trapped
- Trapping
- Traverse
- Trim
- Trimmed
- Trusteeship
- Tug Of War
- Turf War
- Turnstile
- Unchecked
- Usurp
- Ventral Fin
- Verification
- Vest
- Wild
- Work
- Handle
- Agrarianism
- Agrobiology
- Airport
- Airside
- Aquatint
- Awacs
- Cerebrum
- Clover
- Compensator
- Complexion
- Danelaw
- Deckle
- Demilitarized
- Diaphragm
- Downtime
- Dybbuk
- Fishtail
- Groyne
- Humour
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Internationalize
- Irredenta
- Landside
- Mameluke
- Manchuria
- Melanocyte
- Michigan
- Missouri
- Mongolia
- Myxomatosis
- Nazism
- Ohio
- Penstock
- Point Duty
- Prostaglandin
- Regionalism
- Rotator Cuff
- Sensor
- Sfc
- Shellcode
- Signal Box
- Spanish Sahara
- Tail Gate
- Thumbwheel
- Thyroid Gland
- Tie Up
- Traffic Light
- Turncock
- Usaf
- Venetian Blind
- Weir
- Western Sahara
- Yoga
- Zululand
- Aboveground
- Abutment
- Acceleration
- Acre
- Adsorb
- Adsorption
- Aeolic
- Aggradation
- Albedo
- Alligator
- Allover
- Anodize
- Anodized
- Antiaircraft
- Antibody
- Anticyclone
- Appearance
- Apron
- Areola
- Armor
- Artesian
- Aspect
- Atherosclerosis
- Auscultation
- Awash
- Axis
- Babbitt
- Bak
- Bar
- Basin
- Bead
- Bearing
- Bed
- Belly
- Belly Flop
- Bevel
- Biting
- Blacken
- Blade
- Blank
- Blanking
- Blinding
- Blister
- Boat
- Boil
- Boottopping
- Bottom
- Boulder
- Bounce
- Breast
- Bulge
- Bump
- Bumping
- Bumps
- Burn
- Butt
- Butted
- Buttress
- Buttressed
- Caliche
- Calorimeter
- Camber
- Cambered
- Camera Lucida
- Capacitance
- Capillary
- Carburettor
- Cascade
- Case Harden
- Cataract
- Catchment
- Caul
- Caustic
- Ceiling
- Chatoyant
- Choo
- Chopped
- Chorology
- Circle
- Clap
- Clapping
- Clean
- Cleaned
- Clear
- Cleared
- Climb
- Clip
- Clop
- Cloud
- Clouded
- Coaming
- Coating
- Computer Mouse
- Conchoidal
- Condensation Trail
- Condenser
- Conjunctiva
- Constructional
- Contact
- Contact Print
- Continental Drift
- Contour
- Contrail
- Convex
- Convexity
- Coping
- Copper
- Corrasion
- Counter
- Countersink
- Court
- Cover
- Covers
- Crash
- Crater
- Cream
- Creep
- Crown
- Cryosphere
- Cup
- Cupped
- Cups
- Curve
- Cushion
- Cuts
- Daguerreotype
- Damp
- Damped
- Dash
- Dashed
- Dau
- Day
- Decompression
- Degradation
- Degree
- Deposit
- Depositing
- Depositional
- Desktop
- Dew
- Die
- Diffraction
- Dio
- Dip
- Diphtheria
- Dir
- Dirt
- Disc
- Distribute
- Dorsal
- Double
- Douche
- Drag
- Draw
- Dress
- Dressing
- Drifting
- Dust
- Dusting
- Earth
- Eat
- Ecliptic
- Edge
- Electroplating
- Emissivity
- Enamel
- End
- Ended
- Envelop
- Envelope
- Equable
- Erode
- Eroding
- Erysipelas
- Eschar
- Etch
- Even
- Expanse
- Exposure
- Extent
- External
- Eye
- Eyes
- Face
- Facer
- Facet
- Facing
- Fan
- Fanned
- Fanning
- Feather
- Feel
- Feeling
- Field
- Figure
- Filament
- Fill
- Fin
- Fingerprint
- Flash
- Flashing
- Flat
- Flatten
- Flattening
- Fleet
- Flied
- Flint
- Flock
- Flocking
- Floe
- Floor
- Flooring
- Flotation
- Fluorescence
- Flush
- Flushed
- Flux
- Foam
- Focus
- Fog
- Form
- Formica
- Fossil
- Fracture
- Fractured
- Frame
- Freeze
- Friction
- Frigid Zone
- Front
- Fur
- Furring
- Gall
- Galled
- Gap
- Gapped
- Generate
- Geoid
- Geomorphological
- Geomorphology
- Glaze
- Going
- Grain
- Granulate
- Granulation
- Grate
- Grating
- Graze
- Greensward
- Grind
- Grinds
- Grit
- Groin
- Groove
- Ground
- Grounded
- Gutter
- Harrow
- Hawk
- High
Adjectives For Control Surface
[control surface] implies to a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air; can lift or control a plane in flight, a movable airfoil, especially a rudder, aileron, or elevator, used to control or guide an aircraft, guided missile, or rocket. or a moveable surface attached to a machine such as an aircraft or submarine that can be used to control the machine's motion in roll, pitch or yaw.
As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for control surface are: Surface, Aerofoil, Airfoil, Vertical Tail, Rudderhole, Rudderstock, Jump Jet, Critical Angle, Convertiplane, Angle Of Incidence. Based on our algorithm, there are 822 words to decribe control surface. I hope list of words to describe control surface could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.
To search for more describe words, you can enter word or phrase you want to search for in the search box and then press Enter. Note that you should enter a phrase of reasonable length. If a phrase includes too many words, my algorithm will understand that you are searching for a "noisy phrase", so the returned results will not be accurate.