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Adjectives For Champerty

[champerty] implies to a sharing in the proceeds of a lawsuit by an outside party who has funded or assisted in funding the litigation., in law, a species of maintenance, being a bargain which a person not otherwise interested makes with a plaintiff or defendant to receive a share of the land or other matter in suit in the event of success, the champertor carrying on or assisting to carry on the party's suit or defense at his own expense; the purchase of a suit or the right of suing. champerty is a punishable offense by common law, and in some jurisdictions by statute. or a partnership in power. also written champarty.

As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for champerty are: Barratry, Laches, Bailment, Suretyship, Estoppel, Delict, Tort, Cy Pres, Extraterritoriality, Preclusion. Based on our algorithm, there are 176 words to decribe champerty. I hope list of words to describe champerty could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.

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