Found 89 words to describe [breakdancing]. You can click on each words to see its definition.

Adjectives For Breakdancing

[breakdancing] implies to a type of solo dancing in which the dancer performs elaborate footwork, pantomime, and various acrobatic movements, such as spinning head stands or spinning on the back, and usually containing much improvization. it was first performed by male teenagers in the 1970's, in small informal groups on the streets, and is often performed to the accompaniment of rap music or other rock music with a rapid, strong beat., an urban style of acrobatic street dance that was part of the hip hop culture of new york city in the late 20th century or a form of solo dancing that involves rapid acrobatic moves in which different parts of the body touch the ground; normally performed to the rhythm of rap music

As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for breakdancing are: Breakdance, Break Dance, Dance, Capoeira, Rigadoon, Parkour, Beatboxing, Ballroom Dance, Round Dance, Rap. Based on our algorithm, there are 89 words to decribe breakdancing. I hope list of words to describe breakdancing could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.

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