Found 788 words to describe [biological warfare]. You can click on each words to see its definition.
- Germ Warfare
- Chemical Warfare
- Bioterrorism
- Anthrax
- Smallpox
- Bioweapon
- Biodefense
- Botulin
- Botulinum
- Decontamination
- Biological Weapon
- Anthrax Vaccine
- Smallpox Virus
- Weaponize
- Nuclear
- Variola Virus
- Germ
- Pandemic
- Bacillus Anthracis
- Ebola
- Weaponry
- Rift Valley Fever
- Variola
- Ebola Fever
- Terrorism
- Bacteriological Warfare
- Weaponized
- Atom Bomb
- Munitions
- Weapons
- Dirty Bomb
- Biological
- Splenic Fever
- Variolate
- Nonnuclear
- Calmative
- Sulfur Mustard
- Ricin Toxin
- Antimissile
- Biohazardous
- Atomic
- Alastrim
- Biodefence
- Icbm
- Infectious Disease
- Chemical
- Radiological
- Tularemia
- Psychological Warfare
- Antisatellite
- Covert
- Ballistic Missile
- Variolous
- Counterintelligence
- Thermobaric Bomb
- Cyberwar
- Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
- Variolar
- Clostridium Perfringens
- Intelligence Agency
- Varioloid
- Glanders
- Antitoxins
- Botulinum Toxin
- Ricin
- Missile
- Biogenetic
- Psyop
- Nuclear Warhead
- Depopulate
- Vaccines
- Leo Szilard
- Trench Fever
- Typhotoxin
- Cruise Missile
- Variolization
- Espionage
- War
- Antiballistic Missile
- Anthracis
- Chemical Weapon
- Thermonuclear
- Thermonuclear Warhead
- Arenavirus
- Materiel
- Intelligence
- Spy
- Extermination
- Osmium Tetroxide
- Clandestine
- Acaricide
- Opcw
- Fissionable
- Nonradioactive
- Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
- Retrovaccination
- Pasteurism
- Bacillophobia
- Pathogen
- Syphilization
- Vaccine
- Viricide
- Chemical Bomb
- Alexiteric
- Mithridatism
- Typhoidin
- Venenate
- Bubonic Plague
- Microzyme
- Influenza
- Asian Influenza
- Bacteriophobia
- Tetanin
- Sabin Vaccine
- Vaccinist
- Fungistat
- Newcastle Disease
- Virose
- Anatoxin
- Virulented
- Streptothricin
- Alexipharmic
- Asian Flu
- Weapon
- Virus
- Warfare
- Slow Virus
- Pneumonic Plague
- Contagious Disease
- Epizooty
- Typhoid
- Morbillous
- Swinepox
- Pyrotoxin
- Rabbit Fever
- Rickettsialpox
- Communicable Disease
- Ebola Virus
- Poisonable
- Flu
- Mustard Gas
- Toxin
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Marburg Disease
- Cutaneous Anthrax
- Bacteriotherapy
- Bacteriogenic
- Choleraic
- Naval Weaponry
- Inoculable
- Bacteriological
- Xenodiagnosis
- Panspermy
- Epidemiography
- Infectible
- West Nile Virus
- Outbreak
- Microbe
- Hepadnavirus
- Abc
- Biological Agent
- Monitor
- Class
- Ammunition
- Antitoxin
- Cookbook
- Laboratory
- Man
- Arsine
- Athene
- Attack
- Battle
- Bloodshed
- Chariot
- Conflict
- Cyanogen
- Fight
- Inanna
- Martial
- Massacre
- Minerva
- Warrior
- Diphosgene
- Massacring
- Nerve Gas
- Vesicant
- Barrier
- Corruption
- Die
- Dormant
- Foot
- Line
- Mimic
- Order
- Race
- Response
- Unit
- Act
- Adaptation
- Afrl
- Agent Orange
- Agon
- Agonistic
- Agony
- Al Tawhid
- Amphibious
- Ampicillin
- Analog Computer
- Applied
- Applying
- Art
- Artificer
- Assault
- Badger
- Barbarity
- Base
- Baseball
- Beating
- Bespeak
- Bind
- Blackfoot
- Blinker
- Blot
- Blowpipe
- Bluebottle
- Bolas
- Bounty
- Brachial
- Brave
- Braveheart
- Bullet
- Butcher
- Californio
- Cam Ranh
- Camp
- Carbonization
- Centaur
- Chase
- Cheap
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemically
- Chemist
- Citizenry
- Civil
- Civilian
- Collar
- Color
- Come
- Competition
- Conquer
- Constraint
- Contention
- Cossack
- Counterculture
- Cover
- Crinoid
- Death Toll
- Decoy
- Defense
- Defoliate
- Dependance
- Dependence
- Devastate
- Digest
- Distillation
- Dragon
- Draw
- Drive
- Drug
- Edge
- Effort
- Elamite
- Equipment
- Exercise
- Falcon
- Fate
- Fenestration
- Fiddler
- Field
- Fieldwork
- Fighter
- Fit
- Fitted
- Flag
- Flied
- Flush
- Foam
- Fog
- Fogged
- Fractionation
- Gas
- Gentleman
- Gibbon
- Give
- Glade
- Glider
- Globe
- Godwit
- Goldman
- Gourd
- Graft
- Hand To Hand
- Hardware
- Heraclitus
- Hero
- Hippie
- Holocaust
- Home
- Horn
- Hunt
- Hunted
- Hunting
- Hurt
- Incapacitate
- Indicator
- Industrial Process
- Infantry
- Injury
- Intention
- Intoxicate
- Intoxicated
- Iol
- Iroquois
- Jujutsu
- Knight
- Lapse
- Length
- Lens Implant
- Lifelong
- Lute
- Lye
- Lymphocyte
- Manchukuo
- Manning
- Marryat
- Masking
- Matabele
- Match
- Matched
- Mennonite
- Move
- Musket
- Mutilate
- Myth
- Neorealist
- Net
- Neutron Bomb
- Nickel
- Novel
- Nuba
- Nuclear Winter
- Operative
- Oppose
- Orangutan
- Park
- Partridge
- Peacebuilding
- Personal Foul
- Phytoalexin
- Pit
- Pitting
- Platinum
- Plover
- Point Blank
- Poison
- Pot
- Premium
- Process
- Processed
- Processing
- Procopius
- Professional
- Psychophysics
- Put
- Quarry
- Radial
- Ragnarok
- Rail
- Rank
- Ranked
- Ranking
- Red Cross
- Refugee
- Regimen
- Repatriate
- Rival
- Ruins
- Samurai
- Sandpiper
- Scar
- Scarred
- Science
- Scrambled
- Scrap
- Scrape
- Sct
- Scuffle
- Secret
- Separation
- Servomechanism
- Slacken
- Slackening
- Slaughter
- Smackdown
- Smite
- Snipe
- Sniping
- Space Station
- Sparta
- Spirifer
- Spoor
- Sport
- Spur
- Spurring
- Starfish
- Starring
- Start
- Stat
- Sterilization
- Sting
- Subject
- Subsistence
- Sulfa
- Supernatural
- Sure
- Surgeon
- Surgery
- Take
- Tare
- Tarot
- Taxidermy
- Team
- Tench
- Terrain
- Theosophy
- Tone
- Tooth
- Torture
- Tortured
- Torturing
- Train
- Transplant
- Transplantation
- Trapped
- Trapping
- Trauma
- Tray
- Trout
- Tusk
- Tussle
- Unassailable
- Vasectomy
- Venison
- Vermin
- Veteran
- Vice
- Violent
- Wardroom
- Warlike
- Warm
- Warren
- Wild
- Wing
- Woodcock
- Wounded
- Antibody
- Armor
- Army
- Attacking
- Belligerence
- Cat
- Conventional
- Define
- Defined
- Defining
- Game
- Gang
- Hostile
- Maoism
- Monitoring
- Open
- Ram
- Resistance
- Seal
- Sealed
- Sector
- Smoke
- Smoked
- Spear
- Strife
- Top
- Topped
- Tops
- Wage
- Animosity
- Blood
- Cunning
- Engine
- Freebooter
- Medicine
- Neutralize
- Psychological
- Rammed
- Sap
- Smail
- Snail
- Submarine
- Sybaris
- Tower
- Trebuchet
- Tribal
- Undersea
- Usa
- Wear
- Wildfire
- Abortive
- Absolute
- Abstraction
- Accident
- Acetabulum
- Ache
- Actinal
- Action
- Active
- Ada
- Adapt
- Addition
- Address
- Advance
- Adventure
- Afflicted
- After
- Against
- Age
- Aggression
- Aggressiveness
- Agonist
- Ahead
- Aid
- Aikido
- Alarm
- Algeria
- Ali
- Alien
- All
- Ally
- Andorra
- Ane
- Anger
- Animal
- Announce
- Antagonist
- Ante
- Anti
- Antibiotic
- Antioxidant
- Apache
- Apocalypse
- Arabesque
- Are
- Area
- Argument
- Argus
- Ark
- Armchair
- Armed
- Armored
- Armour
- Arrest
- Arrowhead
- Aspic
- Assegai
- Associate
- Atlanta
- Author
- Avatar
- Awkward
- Axe
- Axial
- Aztec
- Babe
- Babylonian
- Backward
- Bail
- Bait
- Balance
- Balancing
- Banked
- Bar
- Bare
- Bark
- Barking
- Barney
- Bat
- Bats
- Bay
- Beak
- Bear
- Bearcat
- Bearing
- Beat
- Beaten
- Beats
- Bell
- Bestiary
- Better
- Bilateral
- Bite
- Blockade
- Blockading
- Blow
- Blue
- Body
- Bomb
- Bombe
- Boom
- Bot
- Box
- Brace
- Brak
- Break
- Bri
- Bridge
- Bridged
- Bridging
- Brigade
- Brim
- Bring
- Bringing
- Brittle Star
- Bruise
- Bruising
- Brush
- Bubble
- Buck
- Buckle
- Buffer
- Butterfly
- Cadet
- Camouflage
- Camouflaged
- Campaign
- Cancer
- Cannonade
- Card
- Carrot
- Carry
- Cart
- Cas
- Cassiopeia
- Cdc
- Center
- Cephalopod
- Cereal
- Chapter
- Charge
- Charged
- Charging
- Cherokee
- Chess
- Chin
- Chivalry
- Circus
- Clean
- Cleaned
- Cleaner
- Cleanser
- Close
- Coat
- Cock
- Cold
- Colour
- Colt
- Comedy
- Commune
- Communism
- Company
- Conquest
- Consciousness
- Containment
- Contrast
- Control
- Corporal
- Corps
- Couch
- Covers
- Coyote
- Crab
- Crabs
- Crack
- Cradle
- Crawl
- Crawling
- Creek
- Crest
- Crestless
- Crime
- Crisis
- Cross
- Crown
- Crowning
- Cruciferous
- Cruiser
- Crush
- Crux
- Cry
- Cuttlefish
- Dab
- Dall
- Date
- Dau
- Day
- Decapod
- Defeat
- Defeated
- Delivery
- Describe
- Described
- Description
- Desertification
- Destroy
- Det
- Dialectic
- Diamond
- Dibranchiata
- Diet
- Difference
- Difficult
- Dio
- Diorama
- Dip
- Diplomacy
- Dir
- Dirty
- Disabled
- Disorder
- Disproportion
- Divan
- Divergence
- Division
- Dove
- Downshift
- Drake
- Drama
- Dreaming
- Drilled
- Dwarf
- Earth
- Eddy
- Eject
- Embed
- Embedding
- Embrace
- Emu
- Endorphin
- Enthusiasm
- Epa
- Escape
- Escutcheon
- Essay
- Eve
- Event
- Excitement
- Face
- Fall
- Fancy
- Fatigued
- Fatigues
- Fear
- Feared
- Fearing
- Finish
- Fire
- Flesh
- Float
- Fluoride
- Fly
- Fold
- Food
- Force
- Forces
- Foreign
- Form
- Foul
- Fox
- Frasier
- Fresh
- Friendly
Adjectives For Biological Warfare
[biological warfare] implies to the use of bacteria or viruses or toxins to destroy men and animals or food, warfare in which biological weapons are used. or the use of any harmful organism (such as a bacterium or virus) as a weapon of war.
As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for biological warfare are: Germ Warfare, Chemical Warfare, Bioterrorism, Anthrax, Smallpox, Bioweapon, Biodefense, Botulin, Botulinum, Decontamination. Based on our algorithm, there are 788 words to decribe biological warfare. I hope list of words to describe biological warfare could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.
To search for more describe words, you can enter word or phrase you want to search for in the search box and then press Enter. Note that you should enter a phrase of reasonable length. If a phrase includes too many words, my algorithm will understand that you are searching for a "noisy phrase", so the returned results will not be accurate.