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Adjectives For Berkelium

[berkelium] implies to a radioactive transuranic element; discovered by bombarding americium with helium, a synthetic transuranic radioactive element having isotopes with mass numbers from 235 to 254. its longest-lived isotopes, bk-247 and bk-248, have half-lives of 1,380 years and more than 9 years, respectively; the isotope produced in greatest quantity, bk-249, has a half-life of 330 days. atomic number 97; melting point 996°c; specific gravity 14 (estimated); valence 3, 4. : periodic table. or a chemical element of the transuranic series. chemical symbol bk; atomic number 97; atomic weight 247. it is a radioactive element, with no stable isotopes; the longest-lived isotope is of mass number 247.07, decaying by alpha-emission with a half-life of 1,400 years. the isotope with atomic weight 249 has a half-life of 314 days, and was isolated in weighable quantities.

As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for berkelium are: Californium, Promethium, Actinide, Lutetium, Thulium, Ytterbium, Samarium, Lanthanide, Praseodymium, Hafnium. Based on our algorithm, there are 176 words to decribe berkelium. I hope list of words to describe berkelium could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.

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