Found 101 words to describe [anthelion]. You can click on each words to see its definition.

Adjectives For Anthelion

[anthelion] implies to a luminous, white, diffuse spot occasionally seen in the sky opposite the sun on the parhelic circle., a solar phenomenon consisting of one or more faint luminous rings around the shadow of the head of an observer when projected at no great distance by the sun when it is near the horizon on a cloud, fog-bank, grass covered with dew, or other moist surface. it is sometimes observed in alpine and polar regions, and is due to diffraction of light. or a halo opposite the sun, consisting of a colored ring or rings around the shadow of the spectator's own head, as projected on a cloud or on an opposite fog bank.

As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for anthelion are: Parhelic Circle, Major Planet, Inferior Planet, Superior Planet, Inner Planet, Midnight Sun, Acronycal, Proper Motion, Lucifugous, Giant Planet. Based on our algorithm, there are 101 words to decribe anthelion. I hope list of words to describe anthelion could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.

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