Found 102 words to describe [acropodium]. You can click on each words to see its definition.
- Footstall
- Plinth
- Pedestal
- Statuelike
- Statue
- Scamillus
- Acroterium
- Piedouche
- Holmos
- Acrolith
- Gradino
- Surbase
- Support Column
- Isocephalism
- Trevet
- Sculpture
- Superaltar
- Orthostat
- Statue Of Liberty
- Surbased
- Alto Relievo
- Butment
- Coussinet
- Petroglyphy
- Insculp
- Footpace
- Glyptotheca
- Marble
- Statuary
- Bossage
- Washington Monument
- Systyle
- Cubile
- Structural Member
- Teapoy
- Electric Socket
- Wall Unit
- Carolitic
- Gothic Arch
- Splayfoot
- Carton Pierre
- Horizontal Surface
- Undersetting
- Sculptural
- Monument
- Pilaster
- Obelisk
- Polylith
- Chimney Breast
- Breastrail
- Wooden
- Foot
- Monopteron
- Zoophorous
- Palmigrade
- Brattishing
- Figurine
- Peridrome
- Toreutic
- Feetless
- Pillow Block
- Tall
- Pycnostyle
- Monopteral
- Pier Table
- Phiale
- Fictor
- Chesstree
- Monopteros
- Undersetter
- Stairhead
- Arch
- Runghead
- Trogue
- Piano Stool
- Beer Mat
- Euphroe
- Marmoraceous
- Ashlaring
- Ledger Board
- Distyle
- Bell Buoy
- Monotriglyph
- Hautpas
- Scarcement
- Camber Arch
- Trestletree
- Vaimure
- Stereobate
- Knighthead
- Epistyle
- Intercolumniation
- Slab
- Emmarble
- Doorstone
- Bridgetree
- Pedigerous
- Semidome
- Newel Post
- Cantharus
- Congius
- Entrochal
Adjectives For Acropodium
[acropodium] implies to in zoology, the upper surface of the whole foot., in ornithology, sometimes used as synonymous with acrodactylum. or in art, an elevated pedestal bearing a statue, particularly if raised from the substructure on supports or feet; the plinth of a statue or other work of art, if resting on feet.
As you can see in the list above, top common adjectives for acropodium are: Footstall, Plinth, Pedestal, Statuelike, Statue, Scamillus, Acroterium, Piedouche, Holmos, Acrolith. Based on our algorithm, there are 102 words to decribe acropodium. I hope list of words to describe acropodium could help you in improving your vocabulary and enhance your writing skills.
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